Fisher International
Business intelligence web app for industry
Delivery included
UX Research, UX Strategy, UX Design, Art Direction

Project Description

Industry employees deserve the same intuitive, high-level experiences from their enterprise applications as they do of consumer products.

One of L3A’s largest clients is a global leader in business intelligence, with over 30 years in the industry. The client needed to completely redesign its extensive, PC-only desktop application to bring it into the 21st century.

Our team dove deep into the discovery phase of this project to understand the wide variety of users from all over the world who depend on the platform to do their jobs. Some are technically proficient on lightning-fast connections, while others have unreliable internet or limited exposure to modern devices. The application is used by everyone from plant workers, suppliers, engineers, and salespeople to industry strategists and CEOs.

The redesign required simplifying & resolving the complexity of the product without limiting its capabilities & sophistication.

The legacy product was so hard to use that many users depended on the client’s customer service representatives to use the tool for them.

While some tasks like resource tracking and supply-chain research are fairly simple, advanced analysis and forecasting activities have built-in complexities that cannot be dumbed down. Our challenge was to make the paths through all these tasks as clear and intuitive as possible.

L3A’s Role

Distilling our findings, L3A developed the top-down UX strategy, information architecture, and the complete interface experience from wireframes and prototypes to the final visual layer and first-time user onboarding interactions.

When all was said and done, our team created a soup-to-nuts solution that included:

  • Industry-wide research
  • One-stop access to financial analysis tools
  • Benchmarking tools
  • What-if scenario tools
  • Customer Relations Management (CRM)
  • Mapping and graphing tools
  • Robust set of database query features

The new tools dramatically improved the flexibility and usability, promoting increased access to the intelligence users in this industry need to do their research.

next project
Virtual production for fashion e-commerce