Project Description

More than two-thirds of US states have legalized cannabis for medical use. Extensive research exists on the potential value of cannabis, from treating severe forms of epilepsy, to managing painful side-effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, to helping reduce anxiety and manage insomnia.

Yet while many people are using cannabis to treat various ailments, there hasn’t been a unified, comprehensive place to turn for science-backed information. There’s an overwhelming amount of cannabis products on the market. Which products should be used for which conditions? How much product should you use, and what’s the proper dosing? Which cannabis compounds (known as cannabinoids) should be used, and which should be avoided?

Cannabis products backed by science.

BigBrain Cannabis is a web platform that helps consumers of medical cannabis connect the dots between their health conditions, research, and the cannabis products that are available for purchase. The site helps people who manage serious health conditions make better choices about their cannabis.

L3A’s Role

Our studio was involved with every phase of the project, from initial concept and strategy, to wireframing, user testing, art direction, and working with stakeholders, designers, and developers through all parts of implementation.  

L3A was also in charge of project management for Big Brain Cannabis, helping the team lead the project through concept, ideation, and final development.

We’ve recently rounded out the project with extensive QA testing and have created several new features, including an eCommerce user flow and the ability for patients to book consultations with a pharmacist.

Sample Documentation

Site map

Final UI